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Please Help Bring Awareness by Distributing our Handouts 

Detailed Instructions Below


  • Stores with community bulletin boards 

  • Automobile windows located in public parking lots with permission from management

  • Utility poles

  • Community centers

  • Senior centers

  • Laundromats

  • Elevators

  • Reception and check-out areas

  • Municipal buildings and offices

  • Bus stops

  • Subways and train stations

  • Chambers of Commerce

  • Convention and visitor bureaus

  • Vending machines

  • Public restrooms (mirrors and stalls can be creative and unique places

  • for flyer distribution)

Organizations and businesses that allow you to post flyers include:

  • Coffee shops

  • Daycares

  • Banks

  • Doctor’s offices

  • Restaurants and bistros

  • Gas stations

  • Schools

  • Churches

  • Convenience stores

  • Factories

  • Hardware stores

  • Libraries (you can even place your flyers in the books your audience reads)

  • Gyms

  • Pharmacies

  • On retail shop counter spaces

  • Insert flyers in packages sent by your partners

  • Automotive repair shops

  • Windows, walls, and doors anywhere your audience frequents

Recommendations from:

FFTI Flyer


The images below can be downloaded for use by right-clicking on the image itself,


"Save image as" and choose the "desktop or  "download" folder. 

To download from your mobile devices, touch the image on your phone, choose download, which will end up in your "Gallery" of images.

Once saved to your device, they can be posted directly to social media, or the saved file(s) can be taken on a USB flash drive to a nearby office supply store for printing. 

Printing ideas include T-Shirts, bumper stickers, car wraps, lawn signs (similar to political candidate signs). grocery bags, facial masks, business cards, and many accessories.

PDFs of the flyers can be downloaded by clicking on the red and white PDF icons (below) and then clicking on the download icon (downward pointing arrow) at the top of the browser window.


We need your help in order to put an end to these crimes

Tips for New Targeted Individuals:  


1. Get connected.


2. Inform yourself.


3. Start doing activism. (Don't be passive. Do activism!)


What does this mean?


1. Get connected:

Reach out to us @ and we will connect you with others in your area, support groups, and live calls and podcasts. 

We have numerous conference calls & podcasts that offer Education, Activism, Targeted Testimonies, and most of all, loving SUPPORT.

Be somewhat cautious when connecting to other T.I.s, but give people a chance.

You can also devote time to supporting other targeted individuals in need of advice or help. You don't need to be an expert. You only need to lend a sympathetic ear and use common sense.

Maintaining and nourishing your body, mind, and soul is of the utmost importance. Eventually, you will stabilize and will have the skills to reconnect with family and friends. You will be ready to adapt to living in a way that will bring you some of the happiness we all deserve. 

TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME- this is one the most important points to make

Take care of yourself and soon you will not be overwhelmed by the various programs perpetrated against you.

Your involvement in the Targeted Community is extremely important. The larger and more connected our community becomes, the more power we have.


2. Inform yourself:

This is a big topic, and there's quite a bit of confusion and misinformation out there. Consult a variety of well-documented sources.

We have excellent information available on our daily updated Patreon account.  Due to the censoring of material on social media, this has become a necessary move, but we will still upload content onto our popular YouTube channel:  You may join by clicking on this

To join our Patreon Page:  Click on the link provided.  You will arrive on our home page, you will need to "Join" before entering our extensive page.  Patreon requires donations, simply pay what you can afford.


In the process of informing yourself, you may find yourself drifting onto conspiracy theory sites, which is NOT the best way to obtain an understanding of what is going on.

The crimes we discuss are actual conspiracies and not theories


Always try to be a critical thinker.

Read. Read. Read.

Listen to high-quality podcasts and YouTube videos (such as ours), and try not to reach sweeping, unfounded conclusions.

We all want answers, but we won't get detailed answers until these crimes are officially tackled.

Nevertheless, the resources that are available capture what is going on in general and convincingly demonstrate that tens of thousands of other people around the world have been similarly victimized. 

3. Start doing activism:  The fastest way to get your targeting to stop is to contribute to exposing these crimes through activism.

It is important to "stabilize" before moving towards activism. 

People must first process the trauma in order to be a more effective, professional speaker, which takes a calm mind, practice, along with a practiced, simplified narrative.  When people come on too strong, it can be off-putting and one could be PERCEIVED as someone with underlying issues.  Speak about the issues in general without getting into the specifics of your own targeting.  Many of us have found that this is the BEST way to reach the public.

You will know when you're ready.

You can start with grassroots activism, like distributing flyers, and becoming involved with our huge activism campaigns. We at Freedom For Targeted Individuals, have created and implemented the most successful awareness campaigns as a whole, and are proud of our accomplishments.

Many victims see their targeting decline the more they get involved with activism. Making the transition from a targeted person to an EMPOWERED person, by way of being supported and participating in activism, will assist you in making this change. Wear targeted individual t-shirts; attend protests; join letter-writing campaigns; request interviews with radio shows and local news stations. There are dozens of ways to do activism. We encourage you to be creative, as long as you always act responsibly, professionally, and peacefully. 


Keep the focus on activism and not on your story!!! The best way to combat this is by remaining engaged.

Thank you

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