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What will you do on TI Day? It's happening August 29, 2020. Don't let it pass you by without participating.


August 29th is International Targeted Individual Day, the first of which happened in 2018. We at FFTI want the 3rd International TI Day to be a big success despite COVID-19. Fewer protests will be held this year. Nevertheless, there's still a way we can come together to tell people that atrocious covert harassment crimes are being perpetrated against targeted victims and law enforcement does nothing to stop those crimes. We hope as many of you as possible can do the following this coming August 29th:

  • If you're organizing an outdoor protest or distributing flyers, please make video recordings and take photographs of your activism. Then make sure you share those videos and photographs with us, so we can incorporate them into our compilation video. If you need flyers to pass out, two recently used flyers are provided below.

  • If you're not joining a group of people doing outdoor activism, of if you're just going to be home alone that day, please make a short video of yourself speaking about our issue on August 29, 2020. Consider recording yourself proudly saying that you're a targeted individual and have been victimized by organized stalking, electronic harassment, microwave assaults, or related crimes, as appropriate to your particular case.


  • Speak in your native language to help show the global scale of this 21st Century crime. Please keep what you say brief, to the point, credible, and professional. Use your full name if you want to. Use only your first name, or use no name at all. Mention the city and country you live in, or if you have reservations about that, you don't need to mention anything at all about your location. Show your face or conceal it with a mask. It doesn't matter. We just want to hear your voice confidently speaking a few poignant words about our issue to help us mark the 3rd Annual TI Day with a permanent video compilation.

  • Though we want contributors to be diverse and creative, we suggest your dialog be something like the following: "My name is -----, and I'm speaking to you on International Targeted Individual Day. I live in ----, and I am a victim of organized stalking / electronic harassment / microwave torture / V2K abuse / etc."


  • We hope to get recordings from as many TIs as possible, representing as many different countries as possible. By having a large number of ultra-short contributions, we will be able to combine them into a powerful compilation video, which will serve as a permanent historical record of the 3rd International TI Day.

  • After August 29, please share with us your video clips and photos that were made on August 29, 2020. Send us your files or the links to your files after you upload them to cloud storage. You may do so by emailing us and Dr. Matt will be doing the video editing, which is why we ask you to include him on your emails.

  • The length of each video submission is limited to 30 seconds or less. It's ok to record and send multiple takes of you saying the same thing, as that will help us select the best clips for editing. Make sure you speak up, so your voice comes through clearly above any background noise. If you make your recording in a language other than English, please consider including an English translation of what you said (if possible), because that will help facilitate the video editing.

  • Compilation videos from the 1st and 2nd Annual TI Days are shown below. We need the raw footage to make sure we get a nice video for the 3rd Annual TI Day. Please use your voice, and your cell phone or video camera, to help us make that happen.

  • Submissions will be accepted August 29 - September 4, 2020. The compilation video will be published on or around October 1, 2020. Thank you for contributing to this important effort.



Compilation video from the 1st Annual TI Day on August 29, 2018



Compilation video from the 2nd Annual TI Day on August 29, 2019

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