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Please Help Bring Awareness
by Distributing our
Public Service Announcements 

Simply click, download, and print from a connected printer.

Opportunities include :

  • Community centers

  • Municipal buildings and offices

  • Chambers of Commerce

  • Convention and visitor bureaus

  • Stores with community bulletin boards 

  • Automobile windows located in public parking lots

  • Utility poles

  • Senior centers

  • Laundromats

  • Elevators

  • Reception and check-out areas

  • Bus stops

  • Subways and train stations

  • Vending machines

  • Public restrooms (mirrors and stalls can be creative and unique places for flyer distribution).

Organizations and businesses that allow you to post flyers include:

  • Coffee shops

  • Daycares

  • Banks

  • Doctor’s offices

  • Restaurants and bistros

  • Gas stations

  • Schools

  • Churches

  • Convenience stores

  • Factories

  • Hardware stores

  • Libraries (you can even place your flyers in the books your audience reads)

  • Gyms

  • Pharmacies

  • On retail shop counter spaces

  • Insert flyers in packages sent by your partners

  • Automotive repair shops

  • Windows, walls, and doors anywhere your audience frequents

Recommendations from:

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