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T.I. Day Protest 2020 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. has been postponed

due to the COVID-19 national emergency. We are currently trying to book a weekend in September 2020, though the exact date remains uncertain at this time. Please be patient as we react responsibly to this unforeseen public health crisis. Just as the targeting issue continues to destroy lives, this critically important protest will not be cancelled.

Protest Against Law Enforcement Inaction on Assaults With RF/Microwave Directed-Energy Weapons and Associated Crimes in U.S. Communities — Protest to Demand that the Rule of Law is Restored Regarding Backyard Terrorism with Energy Weapons — Protest Calling on Elected Officials to Finally Start Protecting U.S. Citizens from the Growing Criminal Use of Directed-Energy Technologies
In his 1838 speech to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, IL, Abraham Lincoln said: "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the Earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher."
With these words, Abraham Lincoln warned that the greatest threats to the country of our forefathers will come from within the U.S. rather than abroad. The criminal use of RF/microwave directed-energy weapons in our communities is such a threat, and the deprivation of people's rights by organized stalking and harassment is another such threat. So many people in this country are having their lives and health destroyed by these horrific felony-level crimes. Yet, elected officials and law enforcement are doing nothing to keep people safe from them. You or your loved ones could be the next victims. Do you want a country in which many thousands of people are getting hurt by emergent technologies — and speaking about it — but the officials we elect and pay to keep us safe are doing nothing to help those victims? Join us in our effort to help keep families safe from these crimes. Help put an end to what amounts to backyard terrorism with directed-energy weapons. What makes these weapons so dangerous to our democracy and way of life is that officials are pretending they don't exist, or that such weapons are only in the well-behaved hands of the military. This attitude of denial gives criminals the green light to act with impunity when it comes to directed-energy weapons and microwave harassment devices. This is unacceptable in the United States of America.
This event is being held in partnership with the Alliance to End Targeting.
There's no better place for this monumental protest (on a new date that is currently being scheduled) than the Lincoln Memorial. This pivotal event in Washington D.C. will include a dinner meeting and get together for victims, impacted family members, and other concerned citizens on the evening of the first day (location to be announced). In addition to the protest at the Lincoln Memorial on the second day, there will also be a sunset tribute to the fallen victims that evening, with live music (also at the Lincoln Memorial). Most importantly, we encourage individuals and small groups of individuals to make appointments for the third day to meet their U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators, or their staffers. Below, we offer suggestions for how to make these appointments and express yourself effectively during these meetings.
For anyone attending this pivotal three-day event, we suggest you arrive in D.C. on (new dates still to be determined). Suggested departure from D.C. is the morning of (new dates still to be determined). Full details about planned and suggested activities are provided below.
Please help us cover the costs of the T.I. Day Protest 2020 at the Lincoln Memorial. Click here to donate to the success of this event.

People are speaking out against the criminal use of directed-energy weapons all over the world.


Location: Lower stairs and area next to the west end of the reflection pool at the Lincoln Memorial, 2 Lincoln Memorial Cir NW, Washington, D.C. 20037. Link code: VWQX+PW Washington, District of Columbia. The area reserved for the protest is shown in red in the map below.


(new date to be determined; we are aiming for September 2020)

Time of Main Event (Protest, Speeches, and March):

12:00 noon – 4:30 pm


Time of Dinner and Vigil:

5:00 pm  8:30 pm

  • Highlights: optional social gathering the evening of the first day (one or more locations — depending on number of attendees — are to be determined and will be posted here); several speeches by notable victim-activists; a protest march around the reflection pool and grounds of the National Mall (see map below); live music by a local musician during the sunset vigil for fallen victims, which will start at 7:30 pm on the second day at the Lincoln Memorial; and a concerted effort by protest attendees and small groups of attendees to speak with their elected representatives on Capitol Hill on the third day. Tips on how to schedule a meeting with your elected representatives and how to be most effective in telling them about these growing crimes are provided below.

  • Participate in this event, so we can get as many protesters to the Lincoln Memorial as possible. Join voices with us as we speak out against law enforcement inaction on the criminal use of directed-energy weapons.

  • Free lunch, cold soft drinks, and cold bottled water will be provided to protest attendees on the main day of the protest.

  • This is a free event! Nevertheless, we encourage you to register, so we can estimate the total number of attendees and plan accordingly with our rentals, permits, drinking water, snacks, restaurant reservations, etc. Click here to register. Registration is optional. The most important thing is to show up.

  • A detailed schedule, links for booking air travel, suggested accommodations, and public transportation tips are all provided below.

This is a rain or shine event! Tents will be set up at the rally site to use in the event of rain or for shade. Many folding chairs will also be present on-site.

Location of the protest: lower stairs and area adjacent to the west end of the reflection pool at the Lincoln Memorial (enclosed in dashed red line). White arrows show the location of onsite public restrooms at the base of the Lincoln Memorial (on the left of the memorial) and the location of power outlets, which are reserved for the sound system. A protest march will take place from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm. The march will start and end at the rally site, as indicated by the red arrows. The evening music performance and vigil for fallen victims will also take place at the rally site, beginning at 7:30 pm. We hope to see you there.

Official Rally Flyer

The official flyer that we will distribute to the public is currently in preparation. A PDF of the flyer will be posted here when it is available. We plan to distribute at least 5,000 flyers.

Register for the Event (Optional)

To register for this free event, please fill out the registration form on the Alliance to End Targeting website. Click here to go to the registration page. Please note that registration is optional. However, having attendees register does help us plan in terms of rentals, permits, food, beverages, and dinner reservations.

Detailed Event Schedule

First Day

  • 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Social gathering, dinner, and networking with other victims and their family members: location to be determined. We will post the address here, as soon as we determine the best location for this gathering.

Second Day

  • 7:00 am – 9:00 am: Arrival of rental equipment at the Lincoln Memorial (tents, folding chairs, podium, and sound system).

  • 9:00 am – 11:00 am: Set-up of tents, chairs, banners, podium, and sound system.

  • 11:00 am: Start of main event (arrival of protesters): Start handing out flyers! We want all attendees to try to be on-site between 11:00 am and 4:30 pm.

  • 12:00 noon – 12:30 pm: Lunch (free sandwiches, cold soft drinks, and cold bottled water).

  • 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Speeches.

  • 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Protest line-up and group photos; preparation for protest march.

  • 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm: Protest march around the reflecting pool and grounds of the National Mall.

  • 4:30 pm: End of main event. We want all attendees to try to be on-site between 11:00 am and 4:30 pm.

  • 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Walk to group dinner at nearby restaurant (location to be determined).

  • 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Group dinner at nearby restaurant for those interested. (Once determined, the address of the restaurant will be posted here). Several activists will remain at the rally site during the dinner period to continue engaging with the public and distributing flyers. The protest site at the Lincoln Memorial will not be left unattended.

  • 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm: Congregate once again at the Lincoln Memorial protest site. Set-up for live music and sunset tribute to the fallen victims.

  • 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm: Performance by local musician (sunset tribute to all victims of organized stalking, electronic harassment, and microwave torture, worldwide).

  • 8:16 pm: Sunset.

  • 8:30 pm: End of musical performance/vigil and official event closing.

  • 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm: Clean up. Please stay and help with clean-up if you can.

Third Day most important day of the 3-day event

  • All rally participants are encouraged to visit their elected representatives on Capitol Hill, in person, to tell them that a whole lot of U.S. citizens are getting hurt badly by RF/microwave directed-energy assaults and associated crimes, but that nobody is doing anything to counteract this growing criminality.

  • This is the most important part of the T.I. Day Protest 2020! We hope everyone will take this action with us, because together, our voices are much more powerful.

  • Meetings with U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators, or their staffers, must be scheduled in advance by the individuals wishing to participate in this important civic action.

  • Rally organizers are not able to schedule these meetings for you, but we do offer suggestions and helpful advise in this regard in the next section. 

Tips on How to Set Up Meetings With Your Congressional Representatives and What to Say When You Meet Them

How to Schedule a Meeting with your U.S. Congressman or Congresswoman

  1. Click here to find your Congressman or Congresswoman.

  2. Type your zip code in the box.

  3. Press enter.

  4. Refine the search by entering your address, if necessary.

  5. Click on the hyperlinked name under the Congresswoman's or Congressman's photo. This takes you to their website.

  6. Once on their website, click on "Contact".

  7. Send them a webmail or click on "Request a Meeting" if that's an option. Ask for a meeting on the third day of the three-day event. They represent you, so you should be guaranteed a meeting at least with their staffers. Don't let them tell you that you cannot get a meeting with them.


How to Schedule a Meeting with Your State's U.S. Senators

  1. Click here to find your state's U.S. Senators.

  2. Click on the "Find Your Senators" dropdown menu at the upper left. Then select your state.

  3. Two names will be given. You could try to meet both of them.

  4. Choose one of the names and click on the hyperlink next to "Contact" for that name. This will take you to their website.

  5. Once on their website, click on "Contact".

  6. Send them a webmail or click on "Request a Meeting" if that's an option. Ask for a meeting on the third day of the three-day event. Not all Senators will schedule meetings, but you should try.


In the section where they ask what you want to discuss, here are some samples of what other protest participants have already written.


Topics that I want to discuss are human rights and civil rights abuses by the United States government, private corporations working with the United States government, or organized crime groups. I completely understand the need for national security, of course, but technology is advancing to the point of violating the rule of law, our Constitution, the American way of life, and our values. It's time to have a national conversation and let the American people decide our future. I would like to discuss how directed-energy technology is being abused in ways that are repugnant to our Constitution. I am personally a victim of this abuse.



Human Rights and Civil Rights Organizations have scheduled a rally in the National Mall on (date to be determined) that I will attend. I thought this would be an appropriate time to meet so we can fight this corruption and keep America free.



Thousands of people in the U.S. are now alleging that they've been assaulted and harassed by some kind of new technology that produces effects very similar to what the U.S. diplomats reported in Cuba and China. The effects seem like they're being produced by some kind of directed-energy technology. A lot of people are getting hurt, but the reporting victims have no recourse or remedy through traditional law enforcement channels, such as local law enforcement or the FBI. These directed-energy assaults are extremely debilitating, intrusive, and personally violating. I want to know what you're doing to get this situation under control — to compel law enforcement, promote public safety, and protect U.S. citizens — when it comes to this backyard terrorism with directed-energy weapons.



If You Talk to a Staff Member on the Phone to Set Up a Meeting

You might want to ask:

  • What time on what day can I meet in your office? (Give them options.)

  • How long will I be able to meet?

  • Will I be meeting the Congressperson/Senator or their staffers?

  • May I bring a couple people not in their district for support? If so, how many?


Try to dress professionally, or at least somewhat professionally, when you go to the meeting. Act and present yourself as professionally as possible. You will be representing the community of targeted victims.

Suggested Links for Booking Air Travel to Washington D.C.

Book your ticket now to get the cheapest flight! The airport closest to the Lincoln Memorial is Ronald Regan Washington National Airport (airport code: DCA). On the map of the D.C. subway system (known as the Metro), you can see that Ronald Regan Airport is serviced by the Blue Line and Yellow Line. We strongly recommend that you try to book your air travel to and from Ronald Regan Airport (DCA).


There are two other airports in the region.

  • Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) in Virginia is about a 40-minute drive from the Lincoln Memorial under ideal conditions.

  • Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) in Maryland is about a 1-hour drive from the Lincoln Memorial under ideal conditions.


Here are some links to online booking sites, where you can find the most inexpensive flights:

Travel to D.C. by Bus or Train

You can also travel to Washington D.C. by bus or train.

  • To take a Greyhound bus to Washington D.C., click here.

  • To take a Megabus to Washington D.C., click here.

  • To take a Bolt Bus to Washington D.C., click here.

  • To take an Amtrak train to Washington D.C., click here.

Give or Share a Ride to the Protest at the Lincoln Memorial

Get in touch with us by registering for the event if you want help with finding someone to share a ride to the protest and split the cost of travel. Click here to register.

Suggested Accommodations
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Alexandria/Washington D.C.: under $100/night before taxes; close to Ronald Regan Airport; free shuttle from and to the airport; free breakfast; pet friendly; smoking rooms available. Tel. No.: (703) 740-0033. Click here to visit their webpage.

  • Days Inn by Wyndham Alexandria South: under $100/night; 1.5 miles from the King Street-Old Town Metro Station (servicing the Yellow and Blue Lines); free breakfast; smoking rooms available. Click here to visit their webpage.

  • Hotels near Rosslyn Metro Station in Arlington, Virginia (listed by click here.

  • Adam's Inn, located in Washington D.C.: 0.7 miles from the Woodley Park-Zoo Adams Morgan Metro Station (Red Line); 0.7 miles from the Columbia Heights Metro Station (Green Line). Tel. No.: (202) 745-3600. Click here to visit their webpage.

  • Reasonably priced hotels in Washington D.C. (listed by Kayak): click here.

  • Reasonably priced hotels in Washington D.C. (listed by click here.

  • Reasonably priced hotels in Washington D.C. (listed by Tripadvisor): click here.

  • During registration for this event, let us know if you want to be put in touch with other registered attendees who are interested in sharing a hotel room to save money. We'll do our best to connect you. (See above for instructions on how to register for the T.I. Day Protest 2020 at the Lincoln Memorial.)


Map of the D.C. subway system (i.e., Metro). The two stations closest to the Lincoln Memorial (marked with arrows) are serviced by the Orange, Blue, and Silver Lines. These stations are Rosslyn (on the left) and Foggy Bottom-GWU (on the right). Ronald Regan Washington National Airport (DCA, in the southern part of the map) is serviced by the Blue and Yellow Lines. Many trains and busses from out of town arrive at Union Station on the Red Line, near Capitol Hill in the central part of the map. Rockville, Maryland is the second to last station on the Red Line in the upper-left part of the map. Click on the map (or click here) to enlarge it.

Public Transportation in the Washington D.C. Area

Washington D.C. has excellent public transportation. The best mode of public transportation is the subway system, known as the Metro System.

  • Take a Blue Line train from Ronald Regan Airport (DCA) to Rosslyn if you are staying at a hotel in Rosslyn.

  • If you arrive at Union Station and are staying at a hotel in Rosslyn, take a Red Line train from Union Station to Metro Center. At Metro Center, transfer to an Orange, Blue, or Silver Line train to Rosslyn.

  • On the day of the protest, take an Orange, Blue, or Silver Line train to Foggy Bottom-GWU. Then walk 15 minutes south along 23rd St NW to the Lincoln Memorial.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority also has an extensive Metro Bus system.

Other Visitor Information
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